I feel pretty confortable with microservices, Docker, k8s and AWS, as the developer, but first time I have to design whole system, so I decided to improve my skills around above topics. For doing that I’ve chosen to buy two books: “Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud – Second Edition” by Magnus Larsson, and “Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes” by Gigi Sayfan. Both books have about 30% of new content for me, and hopefully I will read them both in maximum one week. In past I had opportunity of using Go microservices, and the second book uses that language, so it could be opportunity to learn it a bit again besides basics – the problem is that still Java syntax is best for me, on the second hand I don’t like the size of services created with SpringBoot, so it’s a trade-off between what I like and what is the best for system resources/cost. Anyway in project I currently design microservices Java is the only language, so not much choice.