If you have problems with jasypt on M1 it could be that it’s not related to M1 arch itself but java version on it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63114412/java-jasypt-suddenly-crashes – first comment solves it without downgrading…
Microservices design
I feel pretty confortable with microservices, Docker, k8s and AWS, as the developer, but first time I have to design whole system, so I decided to improve my skills around above topics….
Amazon SQS resources
Spring Boot: https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/spring-cloud-aws/2.0.0.RELEASE/multi/multi__messaging.htmlhttps://medium.com/@tiraarthur/amazon-sqs-with-spring-boot-example-c15f90938908 NodeJS: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-javascript/v2/developer-guide/sqs-examples-send-receive-messages.html For NodeJS to send message to SQS permissions, Lambda must have AmazonSQSFullAccess or narrower policy. The code can look like:
Moved to WordPress
I had no time to update Elixir/Phoenix version for such tiny “project”, so I moved to WordPress, and give myself also some opportunities to configure this site (yeah it’s not only deployment…
SFTP upload from SpringBoot microservice
I haven’t dedicated server with enabled SFTP, but I have local Ubuntu instance without SFTP (18.04.4 LTS) – for testing I just created first SFTP service with help of: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-setup-sftp-server-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-with-vsftpd. All worked…
Non-blocking main thread sleep alternative
I had to test some Java native concurrent code, and I had to mock some service with long running call the good solution for this purpose I found: https://medium.com/my-random-thoughts-in-software-engineering/get-rid-of-thread-sleep-e2abf3cadb6. My snippet is…
Airframe React
I found this very nice project, with tons of functionality and easy of usage same time. Usually for same quality we need to pay a lot of money, but here we get…
Very useful article for splitting YAML into multiple files using $ref: https://apihandyman.io/writing-openapi-swagger-specification-tutorial-part-8-splitting-specification-file/.
Spring Data Redis and LUA
In my recent project, I had a situation when I need to store data under two different keys. I didn’t want to duplicate content because of difficulties with changes synchronization. I found…
Apache Spark – for beginners
Few useful links and information for learning Apache Spark. Example of standalone Docker cluster for learning purposes: https://medium.com/@marcovillarreal_40011/creating-a-spark-standalone-cluster-with-docker-and-docker-compose-ba9d743a157f Fast-paced course for beginners: https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/apache-spark-7-days-video On Mac I had to: install pyton 3.7 and…