Few useful links and information for learning Apache Spark. Example of standalone Docker cluster for learning purposes: https://medium.com/@marcovillarreal_40011/creating-a-spark-standalone-cluster-with-docker-and-docker-compose-ba9d743a157f Fast-paced course for beginners: https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/apache-spark-7-days-video On Mac I had to: install pyton 3.7 and…
So far I was using Redis as distributed session storage (it’s quite fine when integrating different systems), or fast application cache. The Spring Session project uses, among others, Redis and it solves…
WireMock is for me an alternative for Postman, especially when I don’t want to share 3rd party APIs over the network (even with private token). Stubbing requests is quite easy, we can…